Okay, so David is a year old now! No, I'm not posting his One Year/Cake Smash images yet. I feel the need to post his sweet 9 month pictures FIRST. When I went back and looked at these after his One Year session, I cried. I cried because I had neglected to post them after his session and because I find it hard to believe that he is a year old! When he came to the Greensboro studio, he was full of personality and new tricks, and none of his tricks included being still! It was a fast paced session with lots of crawling, pulling up on things, chasing and trying to get him to stay in one place! This is so typical for a 9 month session when they are starting to get around on their own. They are very independent! Looks like David enjoys his independence!
Aug 25, 2015, 1:20:19 PM
Alicia Irvin - Lisa, yes, it is hard to believe that he is ONE! As my tag line says, "Because Time Flies." He is such a cutie and is walking up a storm now. I can't wait so show his cake smash too!
Aug 21, 2015, 3:59:31 PM
Lisa Bunch - David is ONE!! So hard to believe. Our days fly by so fast. Love the pictures of him at 9 months. Can't wait to see the cake smash pictures!